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Flight Testing & RSVM Compliance Made Easy

RSVM compliance is an important aspect of aviation. Flight testing and maintenance are required to remain in compliance. You can count on MT Avionics to deliver the solutions you need to ensure your pilots and your craft continue flying.

RVSM Flight Test Initial & Continuous Certification

MT Avionics offers the following services to get your aircraft in compliance with RVSM requirements:

  • Use Of the Portable GPS-Based Measurement Unit
  • On-Site Assistance With Flight Planning & Operation Of the GMU During the Flight
  • Submitting the Report Associated With the Flight Test


The GMU is contained in a test equipment carrying case and includes stand-alone GPS sensors and recording equipment to independently measure the aircraft altitude while in flight. There are no restrictions on the placement of the GMU in the aircraft, and since it is considered carry-on equipment, there are no changes to the aircraft documentation needed for its use.

The flight with the GMU can take place anywhere and only requires about 30 minutes of operation between FL290 and FL410 to record the data. Prior to the flight, MT Avionics will work with the FAA to ensure that the necessary preparations are made so that the data captured can be used for the certification approval.

Once the flight has been completed, the data is sent for processing and then submitted to the FAA as part of the RVSM certification package. This service can be used for initial RVSM certification or to support the recurring 2-year test that is needed in some ICAO regions, such as Europe. Please contact MT Avionics to schedule your flight or to request additional information.

Background Information on Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)

Starting in 1997 with the North Atlantic track system and now present in most flight regions around the world, RVSM has become mandatory for aircraft operating between FL290 and FL410 (14 CFR 91.180 and Appendix G). The implementation of RVSM allows more aircraft to utilize the airspace and requires more precision in measuring and maintaining the assigned altitudes. Certain aircraft changes are needed, and each aircraft (and the pilots) have to meet the requirements outlined in the regulations.

RVSM Approval Requirements

How your aircraft is operated determines the specific RVSM approval requirements. Part 91 regulations require the aircraft operator to have a Letter of Authorization for operations in RVSM airspace and an FAA-approved RVSM maintenance program. The LOA will specify that the operator is authorized to conduct operations within the airspace designated as RVSM airspace within the limitations of the LOA. It also specifies the:

  • Authorized Airplanes the Operator Is Authorized To Use In Designated RVSM Airspace
  • Any Deviation To RVSM Requirements the Operator Must Follow
  • Crew Training Requirements
  • Responsible Person

Your Letter of Authorization

The LOA specifically states that in order to exercise your RVSM authority, the operator must maintain their aircraft in accordance with their FAA-approved RVSM maintenance program. The LOA is usually signed by the FAA Principal Inspector for the operator and the Responsible Person for the 91 operator.

Part 91 regulations for fractional operators require the aircraft operator to have their Management Specifications state that they may operate in RVSM airspace as long as they follow their FAA-approved RVSM maintenance program. Part 121 and 135 regulations require the aircraft operators have their Operation Specifications, which state that they are authorized for operations in RVSM airspace.

Your FAA-approved RVSM maintenance program may be a part of your GMM. In this instance, the RVSM section must have a separate FAA approval. Approval of the operator's RVSM manual in most instances is accomplished by your local FAA Flight Standards District Office stamping the manual approved and affixing the inspector's signature.